How To Setup An Auto Clicker For A Dog
Many people are wondering how to setup an auto clicker for a dog. I've had my dogs for over a decade now and I still get a laugh when I see people who don't have a clue what they're doing with their dogs. The funny thing is that it's usually the owners themselves who are the worst at this. No, I'm not talking about leaving your dog alone in a room and leaving him alone for hours on end either (I have had that done to me too).
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What I'm talking about is using clickers to train your dog. Clicker training is a form of conditioning and there's a lot of benefits to that. In fact, most dog owners would agree that it's one of the best things they could do for their dog. Of course, this comes with a caveat. You have to be very careful and you have to know what you're doing.
So, how to setup an auto clicker for a dog? Like any other pet, it requires patience and consistency on your part. That's not to say that you can't teach your dog new tricks or commands. Most dogs learn much better and faster than you would think though if you use the right approach.
How to Setup an Auto Clicker for a Dog
The biggest key to how to setup an auto clicker for a dog is to use positive reinforcement. This works extremely well with dogs because they respond better to treats and praise than anything else. It's like parenting a child really, they respond much better to rewards than to punishment.
So, how to setup an auto clicker for a dog starts with giving your dog a treat as soon as you click and giving him a no-click release whenever you click. That way, he learns that the click means a release. After that, you can work at getting him to understand that the sound of the clicking is desirable.
To start, when he is about two to three months old, begin to alternate between treats and praise for good behavior. During this time of training, you will want to focus on making sure that he gets lots of praise and treats so he learns that a click equals a treat and praise. At first, just use your voice very softly but do not yell at him. Continue to do this until he is used to having both voices at the same volume and pitch. Once he gets it, you can start raising the volume gradually.
Now, how to setup an auto clicker for a dog is to continue using your voice but also make sure to give him a treat. After he knows that a click equals a treat, work on getting him to learn that a release will get him to stop whatever he is doing. The idea is to be as consistent as possible. Do not let your dog think that a click equals a release. Just keep praising and giving him treats until he learns what you want him to do. Then, just gradually raise the volume and pitch of your voice.
You can also use the clicker to teach your dog basic commands such as "sit", "down" and "stay". You can teach your dog more advanced commands later. It is important to keep in mind that in how to setup an auto clicker for a dog, the idea is to praise or reward your dog when he does something you want him to do. In general, you want your dog to learn that a click equals a treat. You do not want to confuse your dog.
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